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Bartosz Budzisz (EPRU Spotting Team)

Profile of user: Bartosz Budzisz (EPRU Spotting Team)

Recently accepted photos of user (max 10)...
  • Edge 540
  • Airbus A400
  • Boeing KC-135

Total number of photos in database: 1555

Total number of views: 707065

Average number of views per photo: 455

Screeners choices: 0

Photos of the week: 232

Photos of the day: 438

Total number of posts in forum: 4

PZL Mielec Mewa

This photo is the most popular photo of this user. It was watched 7147 unique times.

Achievements in quiz:


First place in quiz for month 8.2013. Total answers: 143, correct were: 90.21%.