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  • Szymon Brodalka

Szymon Brodalka

Profile of user: Szymon Brodalka

Recently accepted photos of user (max 10)...
  • PZL Mielec Bryza
  • PZL Mielec M-28
  • Embraer 170
  • Airbus A320-200
  • Airbus A319-100
  • Boeing 737-300
  • Bombardier CRJ-700
  • Airbus A319-100

Total number of photos in database: 9

Total number of views: 8185

Average number of views per photo: 909

Screeners choices: 0

Photos of the week: 0

Photos of the day: 0

Total number of posts in forum: 0

Bombardier CRJ-700

This photo is the most popular photo of this user. It was watched 1369 unique times.

Achievements in quiz:


Second place in quiz for month 11.2013. Total answers: 133, correct were: 97.74%.


Third place in quiz for month 10.2013. Total answers: 144, correct were: 94.44%.


Second place in quiz for month 9.2013. Total answers: 126, correct were: 97.62%.


Second place in quiz for month 7.2013. Total answers: 147, correct were: 95.92%.


Third place in quiz for month 6.2013. Total answers: 135, correct were: 94.81%.


Third place in quiz for month 5.2013. Total answers: 138, correct were: 94.2%.


Third place in quiz for month 10.2012. Total answers: 155, correct were: 95.48%.


Third place in quiz for month 7.2012. Total answers: 132, correct were: 93.18%.


Second place in quiz for month 5.2012. Total answers: 161, correct were: 92.55%.


Third place in quiz for month 3.2012. Total answers: 159, correct were: 96.23%.


Third place in quiz for month 2.2012. Total answers: 156, correct were: 94.23%.