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  • Tadeusz Brodalka

Tadeusz Brodalka

Profile of user: Tadeusz Brodalka

Recently accepted photos of user (max 10)...
  • Atec Zephyr 2000
  • Cameron Sphere 105
  • CASA C-295
  • PZL Mielec Iskra
  • Antonov An-124
  • Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29
  • Boeing 737-800
  • Airbus A319-100
  • Lockheed C-130 Hercules
  • Lockheed C-130 Hercules

Total number of photos in database: 1844

Total number of views: 1658347

Average number of views per photo: 899

Screeners choices: 2

Photos of the week: 65

Photos of the day: 233

Total number of posts in forum: 1

Eurocopter EC-130

This photo is the most popular photo of this user. It was watched 3711 unique times.

Screeners choices:

  • Sikorsky S-70 Blackhawk
  • Eurocopter EC-135

Achievements in quiz:


Second place in quiz for month 2.2015. Total answers: 148, correct were: 92.57%.


First place in quiz for month 1.2015. Total answers: 169, correct were: 94.67%.


Third place in quiz for month 5.2014. Total answers: 147, correct were: 95.24%.


Second place in quiz for month 5.2013. Total answers: 138, correct were: 96.38%.


Second place in quiz for month 4.2013. Total answers: 152, correct were: 92.76%.


Third place in quiz for month 3.2013. Total answers: 135, correct were: 93.33%.


First place in quiz for month 10.2012. Total answers: 155, correct were: 97.42%.


First place in quiz for month 7.2012. Total answers: 132, correct were: 98.48%.


First place in quiz for month 5.2012. Total answers: 161, correct were: 96.89%.


Second place in quiz for month 4.2012. Total answers: 164, correct were: 96.95%.


First place in quiz for month 2.2012. Total answers: 156, correct were: 97.44%.


Second place in quiz for month 12.2011. Total answers: 155, correct were: 94.84%.


First place in quiz for month 11.2011. Total answers: 154, correct were: 96.1%.


Third place in quiz for month 10.2011. Total answers: 147, correct were: 94.56%.


Second place in quiz for month 8.2011. Total answers: 149, correct were: 91.95%.


First place in quiz for month 5.2011. Total answers: 168, correct were: 93.45%.